The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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89 lines
/* Text mode popup window package (popup.h) */
/* Center window code */
#define CTRWIN 999
/* video ram text-cell structure */
typedef struct texel_struct {
unsigned char ch;
unsigned char attr;
} texel;
/* A structure to hold the box type, and a set of window colors */
typedef struct wincolors_struct {
char border_type;
unsigned char border_color, text_color, title_color, hilite_color;
} wincolors;
/* popup windows save the image underneath, tiled windows don't */
enum windowtype {popup, tile};
/* A structure to hold information for each window */
typedef struct winstruct {
char *name; /* window title */
void *image; /* ptr to image save area */
struct winstruct *under, *over; /* ptrs to window below and above
on popup stack */
wincolors wc; /* colors for the window */
char xul,yul,xlr,ylr,wd,ht; /* window coord's and sizes */
char xsave,ysave; /* saved cursor position */
enum windowtype wtype;
} windesc;
extern windesc *base_win; /* can be used to access whole screen */
extern windesc *curr_win; /* current window in use */
extern wincolors defcolors; /* predefined color sets */
extern wincolors invcolors;
extern wincolors monocolors;
extern wincolors errcolors;
extern wincolors msgcolors;
extern wincolors graycolors;
/* macros for easy use in removing and selecting window */
#define rmv_win(w) view_win(w,0)
#define slct_win(w) view_win(w,1)
/* Now the prototypes for the popup functions */
extern void init_win(void);
extern windesc *draw_win(int x, int y, int wd, int ht, char *title,
enum windowtype wt, wincolors *wc);
extern void view_win(windesc *this, int move_to_top);
extern void clr_win(void);
extern void draw_box(int xul,int yul,int xlr,int ylr,int btype,int attr);
extern void centerstr(int xul,int yul,int xlr,int ylr,char *s, unsigned char a);
extern void mprintf(char *fmt,...);
extern void prtfstr(int x,int y,char *fmt,unsigned char attr, int wd,...);
extern void swap_image(windesc *w);
/* Includes for sayerr.c */
/* the first set of macros include line number and name of source file */
#define SWRNF 0,1,__LINE__,__FILE__
#define SERRF 0,2,__LINE__,__FILE__
#define SMSGF 0,0,__LINE__,__FILE__
#define FWRNF 1,1,__LINE__,__FILE__
#define FERRF 1,2,__LINE__,__FILE__
#define FMSGF 1,0,__LINE__,__FILE__
/* the second set do not */
#define SWRN 0,1,0,""
#define SERR 0,2,0,""
#define SMSG 0,0,0,""
#define FWRN 1,1,0,""
#define FERR 1,2,0,""
#define FMSG 1,0,0,""
extern int errx; /* default error coordinates */
extern int erry;
extern windesc *errw; /* error window pointer */
extern int msgx; /* same for messages */
extern int msgy;
extern windesc *msgw;
extern void numnewlines(char *s,int *n,int *w);
extern void popmsg(int x, int y, char *msg, char *title,
char soundout, wincolors *wc);
extern void reperr(int level, char *msg);
extern void repmsg(char *msg);
extern void sayerr(int ferr,int errflag,int lno,char *pname,char *fmt,...);
extern void beep(void);
extern unsigned int getkey(void);